Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We B(e)lo(ng): Womyn of Color and Online Feminism

Along with some other fantastic womyn, I presented at a conference this weekend. The title of our session was "We B(e)lo(n)g: Womyn of Color and Online Feminism.

An inspiring session filled with wishes envisioning a new world, a just world; there wasn't much else to do but make a quick flick paying tribute to the energy that swept the room.


Octogalore said...

That is really moving.

sarady said...

the video is no longer available. I was away and not able to keep up with my RSS feed. Will you be reposting it?

Sudy said...

Hi Martha,
thanks for stopping in.
I'm sorry you're having problems accessing the video. I checked it out and it looks like it's running just fine.

Try again and let me know if you're still unable to view it.

Thanks again!